1st Annual Meeting of the ISHR-Southeast Asian Section
The 1st Annual Meeting of ISHR-SEA will be held in Singapore in 2024.
Dates: 3 - 4 October 2024
Location: Singapore
The inaugural meeting of the ISHR-SEA was held in Singapore, a sunny, tropical island in Southeast Asia, off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. The city-state is 710 square kilometers and inhabited by five million people from four major communities; Chinese (majority), Malay, Indian and Eurasian.
Singapore is a thriving metropolis offering a world-class infrastructure, a fully integrated island-wide transport network, dynamic business environment, vibrant living spaces and a rich culture largely influenced by the four major communities in Singapore with each offering different perspectives of life in Singapore in terms of culture, religion, food, language and history.
The meeting took place at the NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House on the National University Singapore campus and will bring together basic scientists, translational and clinical researchers to share the latest advances in Cardiovascular Research. It will include sessions on heart failure, metabolism, ischemic heart disease, vascular biology, regenerative therapy, new technologies and metabolism and will showcase keynote speakers (from USA and Southeast Asia), a Young Investigator Award, Rapid fire abstract presentations for early career investigators and poster sessions and prizes.
We thank all our speakers, participants and abstract presenters
1st Inaugural Meeting of the ISHR-SEA Section
Dates: 3 - 4 October 2024
Location: Singapore